Jul 14, 20214 min

Getting to Know Filipinos in 2021: The 6 Filipino Consumer Segments

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

Eighteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic and the lives of many Filipinos have reached a point of stasis. Most Filipinos have defined and adapted to their own version pandemic normalcy, shaped by their own unique challenges and circumstances. Given this, how many versions of “normalcy” are in effect within Filipino society today? Acumen’s proprietary consumer research indicates that there are six key narratives at play among Filipino consumers in 2021.

The 6 Filipino Consumer Segments

Identified through an analysis of Filipinos’ present state and top concerns, the six consumer segments that Acumen has identified portray the spectrum of realities currently being lived in Filipino society. Presented as consumer identities, the six segments include:


Among all the identified segments, the Normalizers are the most distressed and are highly concerned about every aspect of their life: their finances, their physical health, their emotional health, their mental health, and their social health. This myriad of stressors, which are all equally intense, leads this segment to lack clarity and a sense of direction. They are currently seeking solace from their present situation and find consolation today in the activities that they enjoyed pre-pandemic like going to the mall, travelling, going out with family and friends, and dining in restaurants.

Growth Seekers

Unlike the Normalizers, Growth Seekers have a focused concern on advancement, upskilling, and expansion. This determination to thrive and excel in professional and/or personal growth is likely motivated either by the pressure that they’re facing today in the spaces where their productivity is being tested or by their eye on future opportunities that they’re interested in pursuing post-pandemic. Though not generally the most financially secure, Growth Seekers are willing to invest in goods that they believe will aid their success. They make trade-offs to allow their budget to accommodate purchases that support their present and future growth.

Pressured Providers

Pressured Providers are the most concerned about finances. Commonly, they support a family or other relatives with limited resources and thus, making ends meet and ensuring that everyone’s basic needs are met are their top priorities. They’ve implemented strict measures to manage their finances like making deep cuts to household expenses and, notably, eliminating rewards for the self. They self-sacrifice in order to better provide for others. This immense pressure and responsibility are taking a toll on individuals with early indications that it is negatively affecting their mental health.

Strained Socialites

Strained Socialites deeply value connection and are acutely experiencing the impact of current social restrictions. Their overall health is strongly tied to their social wellness: today, because they are faring worse than usual socially, they indicate that they experience ripple effects on their physical, mental, and emotional health. Their behaviors indicate their inner turmoil in seeking connection: they largely recognize that public venues and social activities are not safe but are actually more likely to participate in activities that involve going outdoors than the average Filipino. Their spending indicates an affinity for self-care as they work through the tensions in their lives and purchases like home improvement, snacks and alcohol that try to bring socialization into the home.

Caged Explorers

For Caged Explorers, the greatest losses of this pandemic are missed adventures and the present lack of excitement in life. They yearn for fresh experiences and greater variety in their day-to-day. Unlike the Strained Socialites, despite their hunger to bring color back to their lives, Caged Explores are sticking close to home and generally avoid venturing outside more than necessary. This has led to increased spending on distractions within the home like home improvement as they look for activities to mix things up and break up the perceived dullness of their everyday experience.

Health Minders

Health Minders prioritize physical health and safety above all in their present-day normal. Typically with the financial means to maximize their sense of security, Health Minders have moored their lives at home, minimized all (essential & social) trips outdoors, and stocked up on ultimate health safeguards like HEPA filters, oxygen, and the like. They spare no conveniences or expense to ensure the health and safety of themselves and their family. For Health Minders, the benefits of risky activities simply do not outweigh the potential costs.

Clearly, these six segments are differentiated by their motivations, values, needs, and behaviors. A deep understanding of each persona will enable businesses and brands to identify the opportunities and challenges that each segment presents as consumers and employees. As businesses, key questions to ask are:

  • Which segments map to my current customer markets?

  • Are there segments that we are currently not targeting but whose needs may be served by our products and services?

  • Among our employees, which segments are represented?

  • How can we support the segments present in our organization as employees?

About the Author Bianca Eyales

BA - Biology; Science & Society graduate from Brown University. Bianca has 3 years of experience specializing in brand strategy, data-driven creative strategy, and corporate planning. Prior to Acumen, Bianca came from the digital marketing field, holding a position at DigitasLBi. In Acumen, Bianca is responsible for collaborating with and supporting senior strategists in Brand Path and Corporate Strategic Planning projects.